Emrollment into WBBC will take place quarterly (every 3 months). The following must be completed and received before we will consider admission:
Complete application
High school diploma, G.E.D., or equivalent
18 years of age
$25 (Student permit fee)
Valid driver's license or State I.D.
Birth Certificate / Social Security Card
$250.00 Registration fee (non-refundable)
2 - Current photos: (3.5 in. legth x 2.5 in. width)
$1000 down payment
* TDLR​ must review your criminal history to dertermine if you are eligible to receive or renew a license. Any student possessing a conviction of a felony or misdemeanor (other than a moinor traffic violation) or pleaded guilty or no contest "nolo contendere" (resluting in a deferred adjudication) to any in state, out of state or federal criminal offense must go to Clerk of Courts and get a final dispostion report, complete a criminal history questionaire, and interview with CEO/director who will send a letter of recommendation to Texas Depertment License and regulation. If approved by the state of Texas, a letter of approval will be returned and enrollment may begin. A conviction does not prevent admittance to the program. The review may take up to twelve (12) weeks to complete.